Monday, January 10, 2011

ExplosivelyWiki Reflection

     This is the time I was deemed the king wiki maker. I remember making the wiki, which was hard at first, but then I found a video on YouTube describing how to use a wiki. I had to figure out how to do everything like; figuring out videos, links, images, widgets. I then had to make a page for every middle schooler, make the home page and create a template for each page. After getting bombarded with questions regarding the wiki, I then had to make a help page, explaining how to add the things listed above. I still had some errors on the way through the wiki.

     First, when I made the wiki I had a challenge. I had no idea what to do so trying to make a "home base" was hard. So I looked up on YouTube, how to make and manage a wiki and after an hour, I found a video that helped me. So with this newfound information, I could start building the wiki. So I started with making my page, then everyone else's, and adding the template I created into the page.

   After that, I started getting asked ten question a minute regarding how to put a video, an image, a link on the wiki, and what a widget was. My solution was simple, make a help page, so everything was relatively easy until I got to the point of making the help page. First, I had to explain everything, but I could not grasp how to explain the right way, so after a couple of failed attempts, I got it. So now they could put there handy videos on their pages.

     Next, I discovered there was much more to a wiki then met the eye. I could edit the page names, make a logo for the wiki, make an I.M. bar, have a student poll, the possibilities stretched on and on. So I made a poll asking what was the student's favorite subject, and here is where the fire started. The poll stretched on into every page and prevented from editing. I was desperate, I was trying to do figure out how to get it off, but it did not budge. Finally I went to the history and reverted the last save back to normal, all hope is regained.

     So remember, when you are deemed the king wiki maker, don't panic. First get help, from a person, a video, a website. That video, website, or person should help you with the total navigation and editing of the wiki. If you don't feel the need to make a help page then don't, but don't cry when you have one thousand questions regarding your wiki. Lastly, if you mess up, don't panic, you can work it out.


  1. Great job here. The fact that you had to struggle a bit to figure out how to power the wiki is an important part of learning. In the end, you did a great job creating the site.

  2. Mitchell,

    I like your in depth description of the process of creating the wiki including how you felt. What an amazing learning experience for you.


    P.S. I love your nickname "the Wiki King!"
